Tag Archives: God

God Caused Construction Delays

Pic By: Kathleen R

It seems like everywhere I’ve ever lived, as soon as I get there – some type of MAJOR construction project begins on the roads right outside my home or right near my office and sometimes both at the same time!  Construction projects are definitely a necessary evil – focus on the key word EVIL – of life, but that does not make them any less frustrating.

I look at the above photo and while I’m not certain Continue reading

Even Use a Dumb Ass??


365 Project Pics BY - Shadow 29 and Caflygrl


My granny used to always say – “If you are tellin’ somethin’ you didn’t hear someone say – then tell people you didn’t hear em say it.  Tell em that someone else told you that they said it.” She never wanted to be accused of sharing something incorrectly that she did not hear for herself first hand.  (Now some might argue that it would have been best for her not to share that info at all – but that is besides the point)

So that is what I am here to do – I am here to Continue reading

Do you SEE the bigger picture?

At first glance you may be wondering what’s going on with these pictures.  Why were they chosen?  What makes them special enough to share in this space?

But I’m afraid I have put you at a distinct disadvantage – for you see – I have not exactly allowed you to see the “BIGGER PICTURE”.

Continue reading